Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dreaming Big?

So the name of my blog page is "Dream Big" and I try to do that. But lately I have been discovering that sometimes I dream so big that I overwhelm myself and end up dreaming big but doing little. That is the opposite of what I want to do. SOOOOOO my solution to this is to start being practical with my "doing" while still dreaming big. I'm going to start blogging about things that seem small, but isn't that what life is all about? The small things? I want to make sure I don't overlook small things and opportunities to "be" or "do" just because they aren't the "big" picture.

I want to live my life. I don't want it to pass me by. So I know that no one really reads this, but I'm going to start documenting life on here. Isn't that what this is for anyway?

I don't have anything profound to say today. I'm actually really looking forward to my night, because I get to spend it with a good friend, doing a little female bonding over sushi and shopping and maybe I'll write a little about it sometime later this week. Who knows. I just know I want to stop missing my opportunities to enjoy things - even things that seem so small. I've done too much overlooking in the past year and I regret that. I don't want to look back on another year and regret it all over again. Here's to living :)

Random shout out: Audrey Assad's album "The House You're Building" is completely amazing. Get it if you haven't already!!

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