Friday, June 3, 2011


It's been over a year since I wrote a blog... time flies right? In the past year it seems like everything and nothing has changed all at the same time. It would be the world's longest blog if I tried to put it all into words, so I'll just sum it up like this: God has been faithful, as He said He would be. That might sound cliche, but it's true and He deserves all the glory. I can honestly say that this has been a year of joy, a year of pain and a year of learning. Every day is a struggle; it is times like these that remind me of a song (yes I know, I think in songs, bear with me!) called "The Desert Song" by Hillsong United. One of the lyrics says:

This is my prayer in the battle

When triumph is still on its way

I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ

So firm on His promise I'll stand

It's like sometimes I forget that I'm in a battle that Christ has already won. I forget that for as many down days as I have, Christ will lift me up. It's not over. Sometimes I get so weary in battle, I forget why I fight, I forget my purpose. But Christ never forgets me, even when I feel like He does. Maybe I'm just babbling, but I hope this encourages you too because Christ remembers you every day of your life.

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